• Why is mpox a thing

    From Keytester@VERT/THEGATEB to All on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 08:45:30
    Why is there now a new Covid by the name of Mpox? This is stupid. Please dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    þ Synchronet þ ** The Gate BBS - Shelby, NC - thegateb.synchro.net **
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Keytester on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 09:29:48
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Keytester to All on Tue Aug 20 2024 08:45 am

    Why is there now a new Covid by the name of Mpox? This is stupid. Please dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    I don't think anyone said we're going to have a new pandemic with every new covid strain. There have been several covid strains since 2020, but there haven't been any new pandemics.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Keytester on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 16:29:22
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Keytester to All on Tue Aug 20 2024 08:45 am

    Why is there now a new Covid by the name of Mpox? This is stupid. Please dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    they had monkey pox before too.
    the gay guys were getting it.

    now they are driving up the numbers again.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to KEYTESTER on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 09:44:00
    Why is there now a new Covid by the name of Mpox? This is stupid. Please dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    MPOX is their fancy (less offensive?) rename of Monkeypox. It is not
    related to COVID. It has been in the news off and on for a few years now.
    You can only get it through close physical contact (often intimate but not always) with an infected person...

    ... unless you live in an area (not in the USA) where animals also carry
    the virus.

    * SLMR 2.1a * War is God's way of teaching us geography.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Keytester@VERT/THEGATEB to MRO on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 10:04:20
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: MRO to Keytester on Tue Aug 20 2024 04:29 pm

    yea they be doin stuff
    didnt know a whole epidemic was gonna be caused by it though
    dont know if it will cause a lockdown, but idk maybe it will maybe it wont


    þ Synchronet þ ** The Gate BBS - Shelby, NC - thegateb.synchro.net **
  • From Keytester@VERT/THEGATEB to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 11:38:25
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Dumas Walker to KEYTESTER on Wed Aug 21 2024 09:44 am

    I know its not related to covid, I just was comparing it to covid because they are both viruses. Also I dont know if its in my area yet, and by what you said, i think its less contagious than COVID, as in you cant just get it from germs in the air. But still im kinda worried it might cause some sort of quarantine because the people in my school say about it.

    þ Synchronet þ ** The Gate BBS - Shelby, NC - thegateb.synchro.net **
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 11:56:22
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Dumas Walker to KEYTESTER on Wed Aug 21 2024 09:44 am

    MPOX is their fancy (less offensive?) rename of Monkeypox. It is not related to COVID. It has been in the news off and on for a few years now. You can only get it through close physical contact (often intimate but not always) with an infected person...

    You have to be rubbing up against those leaky stores, your openings to theirs. i wouldn't even say not always intimate contact.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Keytester on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 11:58:15
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Keytester to MRO on Wed Aug 21 2024 10:04 am

    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: MRO to Keytester on Tue Aug 20 2024 04:29 pm

    yea they be doin stuff
    didnt know a whole epidemic was gonna be caused by it though
    dont know if it will cause a lockdown, but idk maybe it will maybe it wont
    it's not an empidemic. The "WHO" is full of shit.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Keytester on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 19:50:52
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Keytester to Dumas Walker on Wed Aug 21 2024 11:38 am

    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Dumas Walker to KEYTESTER on Wed Aug 21 2024 09:44 am

    I know its not related to covid, I just was comparing it to covid because they are both viruses. Also I dont know if its in my area yet, and by what you said, i think its less contagious than COVID, as in you cant just get it from germs in the air. But still im kinda worried it might cause some sort of quarantine because the people in my school say about it.

    just dont suck any dicks or eat any guy's ass and you should be ok.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Thursday, August 22, 2024 09:07:00
    MPOX is their fancy (less offensive?) rename of Monkeypox. It is not related to COVID. It has been in the news off and on for a few years now. You can only get it through close physical contact (often intimate but not always) with an infected person...

    You have to be rubbing up against those leaky stores, your openings to theirs.
    i wouldn't even say not always intimate contact.

    I need to remember not to open any of your posts while I am eating! :O :D

    That is mostly correct. I did hear a report, back when Monkey Pox first
    hit the news during COVID, that it was believed you could get it by, for example, sleeping in the same bed but not at the same time. The assumption here was that you would come into direct contact with the sweat (and probably the "sore fluid") of the infected individual.

    But, yeah, it is most always intimate contact.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Repartee: An insult wearing a suit and tie.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Thursday, August 22, 2024 10:47:34
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Thu Aug 22 2024 09:07 am

    That is mostly correct. I did hear a report, back when Monkey Pox first
    hit the news during COVID, that it was believed you could get it by, for example, sleeping in the same bed but not at the same time. The assumption here was that you would come into direct contact with the sweat (and probably the "sore fluid") of the infected individual.

    they were making it political and social like covid.
    you have to have infected fluids pass through your mucious membranes.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From KnightMare@VERT/TELEGRAP to Keytester on Thursday, August 22, 2024 14:45:58
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Keytester to All on Tue Aug 20 2024 08:45 am

    dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    Are you new here?

    Every 4 years : Leap day, Olympics, New Outbreak of WTF sort and Election.
    It's SOP, man.

    þ Synchronet þ Telegraph BBS - Fayette Co, OH USA
  • From SYS64738@VERT/GEO to MRO on Friday, August 23, 2024 17:46:03
    you have to have infected fluids pass through your mucious membranes.

    Tasty! ¨

    þ Synchronet þ GeoSync - geo.synchro.net
  • From Matthew Munson@VERT/IUTOPIA to KEYTESTER on Friday, August 23, 2024 21:14:00
    Why is there now a new Covid by the name of Mpox? This is stupid. Please dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    If you happen to be gay male or bisexual male, just dont have orgies and
    mpox will not spread as much.

    þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Inland Utopia * iutopia.duckdns.org:2323
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Matthew Munson on Thursday, August 29, 2024 06:59:38
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Matthew Munson to KEYTESTER on Fri Aug 23 2024 09:14 pm

    Why is there now a new Covid by the name of Mpox? This is stupid. Please dont tell me we are gonna have a pandemic every 4 years

    If you happen to be gay male or bisexual male, just dont have orgies and mpox will not spread as much.

    just have to be an unattractive gay man.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Keytester@VERT/THEGATEB to Matthew Munson on Friday, September 06, 2024 08:55:43
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Matthew Munson to KEYTESTER on Fri Aug 23 2024 09:14 pm

    im not gay, gay weird
    im just saying i thought it was more than just an STD

    þ Synchronet þ ** The Gate BBS - Shelby, NC - thegateb.synchro.net **
  • From Djatropine@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Saturday, September 07, 2024 08:54:25
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: MRO to Keytester on Wed Aug 21 2024 11:58 am

    it's not an empidemic. The "WHO" is full of shit.

    I *LOVED* The WHO when Keith Moon was alive.

    We Wont' be Fooled Again :D

    ...War will cease when men refuse to fight.

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From KnightMare@VERT/TELEGRAP to Djatropine on Sunday, September 08, 2024 12:14:19
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Djatropine to MRO on Sat Sep 07 2024 08:54 am

    it's not an empidemic. The "WHO" is full of shit.

    Correct. Just like the U.N.

    Ilove it when the U.N. says, "The U.S. needs to do this and that..." and we're like... "Nah, fuck off." :D

    þ Synchronet þ Telegraph BBS - Fayette Co, OH USA
  • From Blue White@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Keytester on Sunday, September 08, 2024 12:46:26
    im just saying i thought it was more than just an STD

    It is, but it does require very close physical contact with someone, so
    being transmitted during sex is apparently still the most likely way to
    get it.

    --- Talisman v0.53-dev (Linux/armv7l)
    * Origin: possumso.fsxnet.nz * telnet:24/ssh:2122/ftelnet:80 (723:320/7)
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Blue White@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Djatropine on Sunday, September 08, 2024 12:47:17
    it's not an empidemic. The "WHO" is full of shit.

    I *LOVED* The WHO when Keith Moon was alive.

    We Wont' be Fooled Again :D

    Yeah, they were great then. I like their later stuff, too, but it wasn't
    the same.

    I wouldn't say they were full of sh1t, though. :D

    --- Talisman v0.53-dev (Linux/armv7l)
    * Origin: possumso.fsxnet.nz * telnet:24/ssh:2122/ftelnet:80 (723:320/7)
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Mortar@VERT/EOTLBBS to KnightMare on Sunday, September 08, 2024 20:31:12
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: KnightMare to Djatropine on Sun Sep 08 2024 12:14:19

    Ilove it when the U.N. says, "The U.S. needs to do this and that..." and we're like... "Nah, fuck off." :D

    Which is why the US is so messed up.

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to KnightMare on Sunday, September 08, 2024 23:20:48
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: KnightMare to Djatropine on Sun Sep 08 2024 12:14 pm

    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Djatropine to MRO on Sat Sep 07 2024 08:54 am

    it's not an empidemic. The "WHO" is full of shit.

    Correct. Just like the U.N.

    Ilove it when the U.N. says, "The U.S. needs to do this and that..." and we're like... "Nah, fuck off." :D

    you need to work on your quoting.

    i wrote that but you are replying to another guy
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MORTAR on Monday, September 09, 2024 09:40:00
    Ilove it when the U.N. says, "The U.S. needs to do this and that..." and we're like... "Nah, fuck off." :D

    Which is why the US is so messed up.

    I disagree. Following the U.N. is just as likely to mess us up as it is to
    not mess us up. Their leadership is no more or less bright than ours, or
    than those in any other countries.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Now who's laughing?! Now who's laughing?!" - Pagans
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Mortar on Monday, September 09, 2024 12:05:46
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Mortar to KnightMare on Sun Sep 08 2024 08:31 pm

    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: KnightMare to Djatropine on Sun Sep 08 2024 12:14:19

    Ilove it when the U.N. says, "The U.S. needs to do this and that..." and we're like... "Nah, fuck off." :D

    Which is why the US is so messed up.

    the Un is the devil. they are a war machine.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ben Dover to Blue White on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 07:50:38
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Blue White to Djatropine on Sun Sep 08 2024 12:47 pm

    it's not an empidemic. The "WHO" is full of shit.
    I *LOVED* The WHO when Keith Moon was alive.
    We Wont' be Fooled Again :D
    Yeah, they were great then. I like their later stuff, too, but it wasn't the same.
    I wouldn't say they were full of sh1t, though. :D

    the WHO was great, but the W.H.O sucks ass.
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to BEN DOVER on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 13:28:00
    Yeah, they were great then. I like their later stuff, too, but it wasn't the same.
    I wouldn't say they were full of sh1t, though. :D

    the WHO was great, but the W.H.O sucks ass.

    +1 !!!

    * SLMR 2.1a * Got my tie caught in the fax... Suddenly I was in L.A.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From halian@VERT/ABINARY to Mortar on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 22:31:00
    Ilove it when the U.N. says, "The U.S. needs to do this and that..." an we're like... "Nah, fuck off." :D

    Which is why the US is so messed up.

    ³ +1

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Archaic Binary * bbs.archaicbinary.net
  • From KnightMare@VERT/TELEGRAP to All on Saturday, September 14, 2024 20:18:42
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: Dumas Walker to MORTAR on Mon Sep 09 2024 09:40 am

    Which is why the US is so messed up.

    I disagree. Following the U.N. is just as likely to mess us up as it is to not mess us up. Their leadership is no more or less bright than ours, or than those in any other countries.

    I totally agree with this statement.

    hing?!" - Pagans

    þ Synchronet þ Telegraph BBS - Fayette Co, OH USA
  • From KnightMare@VERT/TELEGRAP to All on Saturday, September 14, 2024 20:19:36
    Re: Why is mpox a thing
    By: MRO to Mortar on Mon Sep 09 2024 12:05 pm

    Which is why the US is so messed up.

    the Un is the devil. they are a war machine


    þ Synchronet þ Telegraph BBS - Fayette Co, OH USA
  • From Matthew Munson@VERT/IUTOPIA to MORTAR on Saturday, September 14, 2024 13:19:00
    Which is why the US is so messed up.
    Americans like to question authority.

    þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Inland Utopia * iutopia.duckdns.org:2323
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to KNIGHTMARE on Sunday, September 15, 2024 09:31:00
    I disagree. Following the U.N. is just as likely to mess us up as it is to >DW> not mess us up. Their leadership is no more or less bright than ours, or >DW> than those in any other countries.

    I totally agree with this statement.

    Thanks, I try. ;)

    * SLMR 2.1a * Stick em up! <BANG> Okay.... DON'T stick em' up!
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP