JANUARY 3, 1992

                           By Harold Bingham 
                            & Casey Whiteley

NAME                                PHONE    SOFTWARE        LAST CONNECTED
ANTARES SECTOR                      544-7613 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93
B-I-T                               399-5131 (GAP Ver. 6)       01/03/93
BASTILLE                            392-5704 (WWIV)             01/03/93
BLUE WONDER                         394-7569 (GAP Ver. 6)       01/03/93
BYTE HOUSE                          825-4571 (Maximus 2.01)     01/03/93
CALIFORNIA BEACH HOUSE              771-9422 (WWIV)             01/03/93
CASTLE ANTHRAX                      621-0554 (WWIV)             01/03/93
CASTLE BBS                          621-3217 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93
CYBURG   (WEBER HIGH SCHOOL)        786-2019                    O1/06/93
DARK ORACLE                         776-0621
DIAMONDBACK                         777-2527
DOVE (RELIGIOUS)                    782-0807 (Virtual BBS)
EAGLE'S NEST                        546-8228 (WWIV)             01/03/93
EYRIE                               782-6468 (Virtual BBS)
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER                 394-4117 (WWIV)
H.A.F.B.                            777-2989 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93
HYPERCON                            621-4867                    01/06/93
LAYTON ISLAND                       771-0431 (TBBS V2.2)        01/03/93
LOWER LIGHTS                        774-5848 (Multi-Line Chat)  01/03/93
MASQUERADE                          782-5265 (WWIV)             01/03/93
MIDIAN                              773-7137 (Amiga,IBM, MAC)   01/03/93
MIRACLE ENTERPRISE                  773-0825 (PCBoard 14.5)     01/05/93
MISSING LINK                        547-0887 (COMADORE)
MT. OLYMPUS                         782-8878 (WWIV)
NIGHT LIGHT                         773-8267 (MaxiHost)         01/03/93
OCEANSIDE                           621-8202 (WWIV)             01/03/93
PANGAEA                             776-0527 (WWIV)             01/03/93
PARAGON                             476-5833 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/05/93
PAYGNOSIS                           627-9213
PRECIPICE                           394-6469 (WWIV)
ROUND TABLE                         479-3827 (Skyline 1.3)      01/03/93
SANDBOX II                          774-5574 (WWIV)             01/03/93
SHRIKE                              621-0554
SILVER UNICORN                      621-5328 (Wildcat 3.50)     01/03/93
STONEAGE                            392-4657 (Wildcat 3.55)     01/03/93
THE SHRIKE                          621-0554 (WWIV)             01/07/93
THE SPIKE (CONNECTING POINT)        392-0331 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93
TIMEX                               394-5010 (PCBoard 14.5a)    05/05/93
WASATCH COMMODORE USERS GROUP       399-5316 (Commodore 1200BD) 01/03/93
WEMATH NETWORK                      626-6704
WINTERMUTE                          629-0918 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93
WOLF'S DEN                          544-1319 (WWIV)             01/03/93
YEAR 2000-NODE 1  NON-SUBSCRIBERS   547-0607 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93
YEAR 2000-NODE 2      SUBSCRIBERS   544-5223 (PCBoard 14.5a)    01/03/93

RANDOM LUNACY                   801-221-0928  ORAM
REDUNDANCY PCB EGA              801-487-5339  SLC   
                    = UNVERIFIED UTAH BBS NUMBERS =              

ARCHERON                        801-298-2812 BOUNTIFUL 
FRESH AIR                       801-451-6355 FARMINGTON
MIKE'S BBS                      801-451-7630 FARMINGTON
STELLER 7                       801-451-9164 FARMINGTON 
GRAPHICS CONNECTION             801-264-1191 MURRAY           
BBS CEDAR CITY                  801-586-3589 CEDAR CITY
BBS CEDAR CITY                  801-586-3589 CEDAR CITY
BBS CEDAR CITY                  801-586-4699 CEDAR CITY
CODER'S HEAVEN                  801-569-1942 SLC (TWO LINES)& CD   12/26/92
SECOND HEAVEN                   801-451-8873 FARMINGTON
TIPS & CHIPS                    801-298-8311 CENTERVILLE         
THE BOARD                       801-734-2882 BRIGHAM 
THE CENTER POINT                801-266-8456 MURRAY
THE FAST LANE                   801-451-7626 FARMINGTON          
THE HUMBLE HEAVEN               801-374-2880 PROVO
MTN WEST MEDIA GRAPEVINE        801-583-3028 SLC                 
THE WHOS BBS                    801-485-6349 SLC                 
THE SANDBOX                     801-569-1818 W JORDAN              11/30/92
JOE'S BAR & GRILL               801-969-7802 SLC                   12/26/92
NICK AT NIGHT                   801-964-1889 KEARNS              
SALT AIR BBS                    801-261-8974 SLC  
SALT AIR BBS                    801-261-8978 SLC
NIBBLES 'N BITS                 801-269-0795 MURRAY
FamTies BBS                     801-374-8080 PROVO
MIC COMPUTER BBS                801-451-9102 FARMINGTON
THE IRON GRID                   801-486-0929 SLC
PLANET VALCUN                                SLC                    12/26/92
COMPUSERVE                      801-521-9777 SLC
VITAL SIGNS                     801-225-8900 MIDVALE                12/26/92
THE HOLODECK                    801-543-6348 SMITHFIELD
ZIONS CACHE                     801-752-5059 LOGAN
ZION CURTAIN                    801-723-6117 BRIGHAM CITY
HACKER'S UNDERGROUND            801-831-4107 DOUGWAY
SECOND HEAVEN                   801-451-8373 FARMINGTON             12/26/92
                        UTAH PHONE PREFIX NUMBERS:

OGDEN            392, 393, 394, 399, 621, 625, 626, 627, 778, 787, 782, 788
SOUTH OGDEN      475, 476, 479
WEST OGDEN       731, 732  
HUNTSVILLE       745
KAYSVILLE        543, 544, 546, 547
CLEARFIELD       771, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 779, 825
FARMINGTON       451
BRIGHAM          723, 734
LOGAN            750, 751, 752, 757
BOUNTIFUL        291, 292, 295, 298, 299
MURRAY           266
SALT LAKE        220, 237, 240, 320, 321, 322, 328, 350, 355, 359, 363, 364, 
                 460, 461, 466, 467, 468, 521, 522, 524, 526, 530, 531, 532, 
                 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536,
                 537, 538, 539, 549, 573, 575, 578, 579, 578, 594, 595, 596,
                 799, 933, 972, 973, 974, 975
KEARNS           963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 967, 968, 969
PROVO            963, 964, 965, 966, 968, 969, 

I have a list of files that is on a CD ROM from Walnut Creek that lists a
variety of lists.  If anyone wants these files, please leave a message to 
Harold Bingham, and request the files:

800NUM2.ZIP  Toll free 800 BBS numbers as of July 1990
96listb2.ZIP 9600 bps bulletin board systems list, Feb '92
AMLST002.ZIP AMERIBOARDS: Nationwide BBS listings, apri. 1992
BBS1192B.ZIP 'THELIST' NATIONAL BBS list for November 1992
DDPBBS02.ZIP List of Desktop Publishing BBSs, Feb. 1992
GOVT91.ZIP   Listing of government-run bulletin boards
HAM9204.ZIP  List of BBSx w/Amateur Radio Interests, Apr 92
HCAP0492.ZIP List of handicap-related BBS's (April 1992)
MED0992.ZIP  Medical/Science/ EMS/Fire BBS list (Sept. 1992)
USBBS101.ZIP Darwin's nationwide IBM BBS listing: 920926
USBBSED1.ZIP Convert USBBS list to comma-delimited text
WCLIST3.ZIP List of 2000+ public BBSs world-wide, Jan '91

The above list was prepared for your use by Harold Bingham & Casey Whiteley.
There have been several requests for a list of the BBS boards in the Ogden
area.  So here it is.  If you know of someone who wants this list, tell them
which board that you downloaded it from.  We have verified all the boards
which have a date under the last connected column.  Note the filename
BBS006.ZIP.   If you see a higher number then you will know that the list
has been updated.  The next update will be BBS007.ZIP.

This list is an up-to-date Ogden Area BBS list to the best of our knowledge.
The only way of knowing if a board has died, or if there is a new board on 
line, is if someone leaves a message telling me.  I will add it to the list.
Looking over the list, if you know of any boards that are no longer on line,
or new boards that are on-line, leave me a message and let me know.
Also if there are time restrictions please note.

                              HELPFUL TIPS

A note here about the BBS boards.  I have had several SYSOPS tell me that 
there have been people who just call their board to download what files they 
can, and seldom ever upload.  If you have some good shareware programs, be 
sure to upload them.  Give a good description of what kind of program it is.  
The boards are not only for files, they are for messages too.  If you call 
a board and you don't see any messages waiting for you, don't just sign off  
You have to write messages in order for people to reply to them.  

How often have you read messages like this:  "Hello, I am here". There just
is not enough information in such a message to stimulate a reply.  If you are 
new on a board, how about saying that your new, and that you would like to 
chat with someone, and if there is any particular subject that you want to 
converse on, say so.  Those type of messages usually gets answered.  How 
often have you received a message that you are puzzled as to what the heck 
the sender was talking about.  If you reply to a message, either quote from 
it or give the person enough information in your reply so that they know what
your talking about.  Indicate on the SUBJECT line what the message is about.

We have also added a STATS.TXT file which gives you some statistics of the
Ogden Area BBS situation.

                       -=<<  Harold Bingham  >>=-
                        -=<  Casey Whiteley  >=-