Re: Solar Bee
By: Brianm to Ben Longden on Wed Jan 22 2025 10:06 pm
Howdy Brian,
hello Ben , I am in glasgow and run a BBS called night Owl, you can check into it now using latest version of SyncTerm. it's a Viewdata board like Prestel wasin it's heyday and runs on a BBCmaster, via a Pi modem.
Its awesome there is another videotex service online :)
I'd forgotten that I logged in, but when I reloaded Syncterm (been talking with Deuce who has fixed up some Prestel rendering), I saw it in there in my phone book.
Syncterm should now be the term emulator for Prestel/Videotex BBSes - he's got the emulating working perfectly. I'll now need to add more frames to my BBS now that its easier to get to it... :)
þ Synchronet þ AnsiTEX bringing back videotex but with ANSI